
Phase: 1

For Permaculture design suitable land Identification for Client

Scope of work (Duration – One Month)

»  Budget

»  Location Fixing

»  Verify all factors listed below in “Existing Land Pre Survey”

»  Parent & Current Document Verification

»  Encumbrance clearance for min 30-50 Years

»  Legal Opinion

»  Document Preparation

»  Registration

»  Patta change

»  Fencing

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Existing Land Pre Survey

Scope of work (Duration – One Week)

The client will receive the following services:

»  Site visit

»  Soil & Water survey and observation of the present condition

»  Soil and Water testing sample collection guidance

»  Recording site information with Photos

»  Sector Analysis

»  Elements Identification

»  Quality inspection of the biomass at source

»  Native species survey

»  Water conservation possibilities

»  Energy conservation possibilities

»  Relative placements

»  Internal & External Resources identification

»  Maps verification (FMB, Digital survey MAP if available) by Client

»  Farm data collection existing crops, Infrastructure etc..

Phase: 2

Client Discussion

Scope of work (Duration – One Week)

»  Client Interview

»  Client Objective

»  Zone Planning

»  Design – 2D CAD drawing

»  Project detailed Estimation phase wise

»  Investment – Infrastructure One Time

»  Investment – Growth purpose

»  Return on Investment stage wise – Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Half yearly, Yearly, Five Years, 10 Years, 20 years & 30 years

»  Final discussion with the client and fixing the design with the objective before implementation

»  First Drone shoot for documentation purpose initial stage farm condition

client discussion

Phase: 3


Implementation Stage – 1

Scope of work (Duration – Five – Six Month)

»  Care Taker Identification & Three months Training for Sustainable Farming

»  Accommodation, Vehicle & Food Arrangements for Consulting Team

»  Fencing

»  Water diviner for Bore Well or Well Point fixing

»  Bore well or Well digging Team arrangement

»  Digital Survey with all object marking – CAD File

»  E.B Connection or Solar Setup

»  Motor, Electrical work, Panel board, Irrigation automation etc..

»  Marking for all Zones

»  Temporary Shed – Materials Stock & Men’s resting

»  JCB Earth Work – Land Levelling, Contour Trench, Contour bund, Retention Pond etc..

»  Land Carbon Increase – Cow dung , Paladhaniyam( Bio Mass) & Rotavator work

»  Water storage Tank for Irrigation

»  Irrigation Shed construction

»  JCB Road work, Gravel for road, Pipe line Kuli, Hume Pipe fixing for road crossing etc..

»  Drip Irrigation setup with all accessories including Jeevamirutham Tank procurement

»  Structure water device if necessary based on water test report
»  Temporary Rain Hose arrangements for Paladhaniyam Irrigation (Later we use this for Veg garden & Agroforestry Inter cropping)

»  Compost Preparation materials collection (Cow dung, Nel Umi Saambal, Coir Pith, Bio Fertilizer)

»  Plantation Kuli Zone wise (Veg garden, Flower garden, Herbal garden, Fruit Orchid, Timber Plants, Oil Trees, Ornamental & Aromatic Plants, Sacred & Therapeutic Plants, Avenue Plants, Bio Fencing, wind barrier Plants etc..

»  Drip Irrigation Installation for all Zones and check before plantation

»  Second Drone shoot after completion of the Phase-3 Stage -1

»  Paladhaniyam Mulching with Rotavator after 50-60 days

»  Nitrogen fixing seeds sowing while Paladhaniyam mulching

»  Plants List final and procurement for all Zones

»  Compost Stuffing & Plantation for all Zones

»  Plant Kuli rework & support stay for necessary plants (Bamboo Stick + Jute Thread)

»  Veg Garden Setup – Seed, saplings, cuttings Purchase, Nursery preparation in seed Tray , Pandal Work, Bed Preparation, Bed Tiles fixing all sides ,Bio Mass & Compost stuffing, Bird Net fixing

»  Nursery setup with all accessories & equipment’s


Phase: 4


Infrastructure Development

Scope of work (Duration – Five – Six Month)

»  Eco friendly Farm house

»  Rain water harvest

»  Bio Gas Plant for cooking

»  Solar Lighting for entire house

»  Open Kitchen Bio Stove / Rocket Stove multi-purpose

»  Bio Fridge – Veg & fruits storage (Max One week)

»  Toilet (Wicking bed system)

»  Grey water (Wicking bed system)

»  Galactic Plants, Vasthu Plants & Night Oxygen producing Plants

Eco friendly Store Room & Cattle Shed

Scope of work (Duration – Three Month)

»  Cattle shed – Cow + Goat

»  Live Stock Shed – Chicks, Rabbit, Duck, Turkey, Pigeon & Fish

»  Parking, Farm products storage Room, Machines & Tools Room

»  Compost Pit

»  Dry Fodder stock area

»  Open area for cattle’s resting

»  Open Grazing method based on cattle population

»  Small Pond with Lotus for Swan & Ducks

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Live Stock

»  Cow & Bull

»  Goat

»  Chicks

»  Swan & Ducks

»  Rabbit

»  Turkey

»  Pigeon

»  Fish

»  Bee Hiving


Training Stage

Scope of work (Duration – One Month)

Farm Records, Tools, Safety, Machine operation & Maintenance

»  Farm Records Maintenance training & list will be enclosed

»  Furniture & Stationaries list will be provided

»  Tools handling training & list will be enclosed

»  Safety items, equipment’s list will be enclosed

»  Farm Machineries list and training will be provided

»  Farm Maintenance training & Schedule will be provided

»  Cattle maintenance – Feeding, breeding, Preventive health care through traditional methods

»  Bio Inputs , Compost preparation training & Schedule will be provided

»  Final Drone Shoot after completion of the Project

Phase: 5

Value added Services

»  Farm Products value addition training – Solar drier, Machines etc..

»  Seed bank – seed collection, maintenance & preservation

»  Nursery training – Seed collection, grading, mother bed preparation, saplings production etc..

»  Organic store with food court setup training through our associates

»  Marketing support & Networking concepts training

»  Organic farming certification guidance

»  Farm Tourism

»  Sustainable Living Workshops for College Students

»  Corporate Meetings at Farm

»  Farm Tour arrangements to visit successful various farms in Tamilnadu

»  Farmers & Agri Students skill based Training with GWL Tech Team

»  Sustainable Living Awareness Camps for School Children’s

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